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Free Live Auditions

Jason offers free live voice over auditions

While many of my clients are ready to hire after reviewing my demos, others need an audition first. I encourage this—you’ll get to know me and how I work in addition to hearing your message in my voice. I want to make the casting process as easy as possible for you, so my auditions are free.

Want to set up a free live audition? Here’s how:

  • Contact meWe’ll set up a phone appointment for you and your project team to hear a live audition.
  • Send me your script. I’ll review it along with any notes or casting specs you provide. A brief description of the project is appreciated and helpful.
  • Call in for the live audition. You’ll dial into my professional recording studio and live direct me on the audition. I can record the audition myself, or you can connect your production studio to record.
  • Listen in as I read and perform your script. I’ll perform up to 2 takes for scripts up to 1 minute long. This allows you to offer some direction after the first take if you desire.
  • We’ll chat and get to know each other before or after recording, if you have time.
  • If I am recording I’ll edit and email you the mp3 file within a few minutes after our call. (If your production studio records, they take care of this step).
  • Your team can instantly review the audition file and make a choice. Hopefully, I’m the right voice for you.

If your team chooses me for your project, we will discuss details such as rates and usage and schedule a final recording session. Or, if we mutually agree, you can purchase my audition file to use as your final product. This may be a good option if we’re ready to work together, you feel like you got what you need, and you don’t require another recording session for that project.

Let’s play by the rules

I know this doesn’t apply to you, but I have to say it anyway to protect us both…

Free live audition files are never to be used without express permission from the voice over artist. If you would like to use my audition files, you can purchase them from me. In addition, I will always be clear and upfront with you about pricing and all aspects of our working relationship. Whether you wish to purchase audition files during or after our audition session or schedule a recording session, we will first draw up a mutually satisfying agreement to follow.